Why a free newsletter about the movement to make housing a human right?
Every week, my students and I go to eviction court, where we represent people facing the loss of their home. They are among the ten million people in the U.S. who are behind on their rent, many of whom have been paying an unsustainable 75% or more of their income for housing. They are all at imminent risk of eviction and homelessness.
This is unacceptable. Polls show a strong majority of Americans believe housing is a human right, reflecting in part the clear mandate of every religious and moral tradition holding that ensuring a safe, secure place to live is a sacred duty.
We can fix this. And plenty of great people and organizations are working to do just that. This newsletter will lift up the amazing tenants and organizations and groups who are building a movement to make housing a fully realized human right. And it will lift up the morally and economically bulletproof arguments the movement is built on.
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